Howdy Fellow Gardeners! No matter where you are as a gardener, there’s always something to do and something to learn. I hope this page simplifies the process for you!
Here you’ll find seasonal planting guides, seasonal tasks list, links to gardening blog posts that might interest you and gardening shopping guides based off of a few of my favorite garden items. If there is more you’re looking for, let me know!
Spring Gardening Guide
My favorite place to order seeds online is Baker Creek Seeds. I have found that Friendly Natives in town has a lot of their seed packets as well. The best thing about purchasing organic/heirloom seeds is that you can save the seeds and never have to buy seeds again. Non-organic/GMO seeds have been treated and the fruit produced from them will not produce similar fruit the next year. Therefore it’s not recommended to save seeds from this type of seed. This is why I typically only purchase organic/heirloom seeds, my goal is to not keep buying seeds each year but to be more self-sufficient with my garden.
When purchasing starts try to purchase from a locally owned nursery for better quality plants and they will more likely have varieties that will do well in your area.
Links to my favorite Vegetable Seeds can be found below,
Links to my favorite flowers to use in the vegetable/fruit garden are here,
Step 2: Prep Your Planting Area
Take out any unwanted materials (trees, shrubs, weeds and grass) that you don't want in
the garden area.
Build up planting beds or planter boxes with good quality soil.
Begin watering your planting area so that the soil says healthy.
Without plants water 2x a week to keep it healthy for new seeds/plants.
Plant your seeds based on your specific gardening zone. You can check that HERE and then get a complete list of what to plant when HERE. Each month I post what to plant and what to do in the garden for Central Texas & Hill Country Gardeners.
Blog Post on Gardening . . .
Seed Saving for Beginners
Planning a Garden
Companion Gardening
Deep Mulch Gardening