The Value of Knowing Your Farmer

Reconnecting with those who grow our food holds immense value, not just for your health, but also for communities and our economy. I hope this inspires you to keep seeking out farmers and ranchers, so you know more about where & how your food is produced! 

Knowing Your Farmer is a Return to Roots

For much of human history, knowing your farmer was a way of life. Communities relied on local growers for sustenance, forming bonds that extended beyond mere transactions. However, as communities have grown, supermarkets became the norm, and that personal connection was lost. Over time, most of us have become disconnected from the sources of our food, often unaware of the journey it took to reach our dinner plates.

Knowing Your Farmer Puts Quality Assurance in Your Hands

One of the most significant benefits of knowing your farmer is the assurance of quality. When you buy directly from a local farm or through farmers' markets, you can ask questions about farming practices, soil health, and animal welfare. This transparency builds trust and ensures that you're getting top quality food for your family.

Knowing Your Farmer Supports Small American Businesses

When you support American farmers, you’re helping them keep their way of life alive. Today’s farmer receives less than 10 cents of the profit when it’s sold in a large grocery store. BUT, when you purchase food directly from a farmer, it cuts out the middleman thus producing a higher profit for the small family farmer.

Supporting American farmers means the money they make circulates throughout their local communities, which in turn builds stronger communities right here on American soil. BUYING DIRECT gives them a better return and gives them a fighting chance in today’s globalized economy.

Knowing Your Farmer Builds Community

Knowing your farmer isn't just about the food—it's also about fostering personal relationships. These personal relationships help build strong communities where families support one another and share common values that benefit communities across America.

Knowing Your Farmer Keeps Ag Alive & Thriving in America

When you know your farmer, you're not just a consumer; you’re an active participant in keeping American agriculture alive! By purchasing directly from farmers, you help them keep agriculture in their community. Without American farms we would all be completely reliant on big corporations. This support of local producers is crucial for combating the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a few corporate giants.

Are you ready to make the switch?

In a world where convenience often trumps connection, knowing your farmer offers a refreshing alternative. It's a return to a simpler, more personal way of living—one that values relationships over transactions and prioritizes the health of families and communities. The next time you shop for groceries, consider seeking out American farmers. You'll not only get delicious, nutritious food but also play a part in nurturing a healthier, more vibrant America for us all.

Shop a few of our favorite farmers & ranchers below and if you’d like to be added to the list, please email us!




April in the Texas Garden


March in the Texas Garden