1 Year Later . . .

It’s hard to believe that 1 year ago today we closed on our home here in Fredericksburg. Some days it feels like yesterday, other days it feels like eons ago! In the middle of a pandemic, we chose to answer God’s call to make some big changes for our family. As all the pieces fell into place we knew, with doubts and fear, that we were going where He was leading. It’s a strange time for God to call you out to something new but I’m thankful we listened and landed in this beautiful, welcoming city. From the moment we drove onto this property we knew that this was our new home. The landscape, the history in the walls of this home and the possibilities are just what our family needed. So here we are 1 year later . . .

We spent October 2020 - January 2021 remodeling the interior of the home and made life-long friends with our contractor and his family along the way. It’s always so neat to see who and when God places people into your life. As soon as we were feeling settled in our new home Snowpocalypse 2021 hit Texas. God has a way of putting our family on big adventures to see what we’re made of. I’m proud to say that we not only survived but thrived! We collected water from our well, heated our home with our wood stove, collected firewood and learned that together we make a pretty strong team.

Once that hurdle was over and we cleaned up the mess left behind we began to settle in once again. We made the decision to wait until Spring to get animals - at this point we felt like we had all we could handle on our plates. New jobs, new home, new schools and a continuing pandemic - that’s enough for a lifetime! Once spring was around the corner it was time to begin more adventures.

We worked hard early Spring 2021 to get all the fencing and materials we needed to have a garden, chicken run and pen for goats. It was now time to jump in and that we did! We purchased chicks, goats and two puppies one after another and then it felt like we really did have a farm! The only way to learn something new is to jump right in, so that’s what we did. Once again, we worked as a team and got the job done.

And here we are one year later. We have all settled into our new roles with new activities and new friends. Fredericksburg finally feels like home. Reflecting back on all of the changes our family has had in the last year makes me happy for the struggle because it’s through struggle that you grow and become the person God has created you to be. What comes next? Keep following along to find out . . .

“We exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope DOES NOT disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

Romans 5: 3 - 5


Companion Gardening


Emergency Prep