Mackadoo Farms

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The Big Move . . .

We made the decision as a family to move from the bustling city of Austin, Texas to the more laid back lifestyle of Fredericksburg, Texas in the middle of the Pandemic of 2020. We listed our home for sell and before it even hit the market publicly it was SOLD. It all happened so fast, but we’re quick on our feet so the hunt for a new home began. We found a home and property that in our eyes was the perfect place for us to begin a new adventure. But we also knew that for us to live there we would need to remodel the home before moving in. We had already spent several years living in a home during renovation and we didn’t want to go down that path again.

So, yes, you read that right. In the middle of Covid, quarantine, chaos and selling a home we chose to buy a property a few hours away and dive headfirst into a whole home renovation! Crazy, yes. Worth it, absolutely!

Our home was built in the 1940s in San Antonio, Texas. The owners grandson, Lynn Roy Ranslaben moved the home to Fredericksburg, Texas in 1996. This was no small undertaking as you can imagine! But with determination and skill he set to the task so that he could raise his family in his Grandfather’s home on his family’s land in Fredericksburg, Texas. After raising his children here he decided it was time to sell and let another family make memories on this gorgeous piece of land.

We were in love with many features of the home and wanted to keep them in tact and restore what we could to continue on the journey that Lynn Roy began. The ceiling is so unique and had to stay! They are old floorboards from the 1920s. Lynn Roy took them from his Great Grandfather’s home and used them on the ceiling and walls. We took them from the walls and repurposed them on the kitchen island.

The biggets updates we made to the home are in the kitchen and bathrooms. We are so happy with how things came out! Lynn Roy was our contractor for this project. We knew he would be perfect for the job because he loves the home and we wanted to keep the history and integrity of the home in place. Over the coming months we all discovered that we were both praying that God would have His hand in the purchase - and God showed up and made two families great friends through the process!