Mackadoo Farms

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Simplify The Holidays

We’ve all been there, the 2nd week of December rolls around and you’re exhausted! It doesn’t have to be that way.

Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years can be simple, peaceful and full of joy.

Below are some tips that have helped us simplify the holidays so that we can enjoy them more as a family. I triple dog dare you to try a few out this year!

Tip #1: Set Realistic Expectations.

Set realistic expectations of what this season of your (and others) life looks like. You might have children under 5 that need naps mid-day, so they don’t lose it in the evening. You might have teenagers that only get to sleep in late on school break and need that rest. You might be the only ones without kids at home, consider those that have little ones. Take into consideration these factors when scheduling events and planning what fun your family will have.

Tip #2: Protect your time (and your family’s time).

When planning your holidays (and vacations) build in down time. Overscheduling just makes everyone tired and stressed. Planning a fun activity to fill every spare minute of your weekend is a surefire way to take all the joy out of the season. Build in downtime. If you need to, write it down on the calendar so you’ll stick to it.

Tip #3: Declutter Your Home & Your Decor.

When decorating for Christmas, swap out your everyday decor. I use my Christmas boxes to store my everyday decor, it makes it easy to put it all back up when it’s time. Having less “stuff” out makes our home more peaceful and less stressful.

Tip #4: Simplify Gift Giving.

Simplify gift giving and get people things they will really use instead of adding to more clutter. Think about their hobbies, new skills they might want to learn or make their gift consumable. I highly suggest gifting people noursihing food from a small family farm. I have a great list HERE of small family farms that we recommend. Including our own!

Tip #5: Keep Traditions Simple.

Keeping traditions simple for your family makes it easier to repeat it. Watch the same movies, make the same cookies each year, and sing the same songs. There is no need to reinvent the wheel each year.

Tip #6: Simplify Your Meals.

Simplify your meals. It’s okay to not make everyone’s favorite dish if that depletes you and the other cooks of peace. Two appetizers, one main dish, two sides and a dessert is enough. If it brings you joy and peace to make a million dishes, then go for it. But if this is a stressor for you, simplify.

Tip #8: Menu and Meal Prep.

Planning out your menu ahead of time allows you time to gather the ingredients and prepare food ahead of time. It can be hard to enjoy a fun day with family and friends if you’re cutting, cooking and making last minute grocery runs. Take the time now to plan out your meal, make a shopping list, buy your supplies and prep what you can ahead of time. This will free up your time so that you can sit down and enjoy the moment too.

Tip #9. Delegate.

Delegate, delegate, delegate! It might not get done exactly how you’d do it and that’s okay. Once you come to terms with that, I guarantee you’ll have more peace and joy.

Tip #10: Remember to just be.

This might be the most important tip of all! Remember to sit down, relax and enjoy those moments with your family and friends before it’s too late.

Do you have another tip to share??? Comment down below so we can all learn from one another!