Mackadoo Farms

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Emergency Prep

We have spent most of our adult lives somewhat giggling about people that stock up on supplies. Not because we thought they were being foolish but mainly because we didn’t see the need. “Why in the world are they hoarding this stuff when all they have to do is run to the grocery store?” BUT if the last 18 months have taught us anything it’s that there are zero guarantees that you’ll be able to go to the store to get what you need to take care of your family! Between a pandemic, lockdowns and a crazy Texas freeze we have fallen into the “Beginner Prepper category” and are fully on board! Now, before you think we belong on a TV show we aren’t building a bunker - although that would be cool and maybe we should consider it . . . Kidding, maybe . . .

When we say Prepping, we are mainly talking about what supplies do we want to have on hand in case we lose electricity and water for over a week again. That was eye opening to say the least! We were very thankful for our experience camping and for knowing how to use our wood burning stove and well without electricity!

I thought it might be helpful to you to know what we have invested in just in case you’re preparing for a potential emergency too! I mean, who wants to run out of toilet paper! Thank you 2020! We never did but it was a close call - NEVER imagined that scenario playing out!

Below a beginners list of some useful items to have on hand just in case. I DO NOT recommend buying everything at once, buy a few things a month and before you know it you will be well stocked just in case you lose electricity for a week or can’t make it to the grocery store for a few weeks. Life is unpredictable and while God promises to provide us with all that we need, He also tells us to use wisdom and discernment. We have chosen to be like Joseph and store up extra supplies to get us through a few weeks of uncertainty - not an excess of supplies but enough to get us through and help a neighbor in need. Ultimately our hope rests on Jesus but we don’t believe He wants us to be idle and wait for someone to rescue us.

You can find many of these items in on our Amazon shop linked below. Our biggest goal these last 18 months has been to slowly stop relying on big box stores for our food and to invest in as many reusable products as possible. We hope this blog post empowers you to do the same! I’d love to hear in the comments if you have any suggestions to share.


Below are all things we have either purchased or will be purchasing in the future based on personal reviews from people we trust.


Moving out of the city has afforded us the opportunity to raise some of our own meat - chickens and goats for now. We are looking into sheep for the future. Thankfully my husband and boys are avid hunters and fishermen so we usually have a freezer full of venison and other game. We have reached out to a local rancher and have secured a quarter calf this fall and will have it butchered to add to our freezer. If none of this is an option for you there are many other ways to fill up your freezer. I suggest keeping a few months supply on hand and buying your meat as locally as you can.

US Ranchers you can buy from online and have it shipped right to your door and a few websites to order food from so that your local grocery store isn’t your only option. Diversify!

  • Shop our Favorite Ranchers & Farmers HERE

  • Azure Standard ~ organic, non-gmo food and produce delivered to your area. Go online to see if you already have a drop site in your area.

  • Thrive Market ~ online grocery shopping - food for all types of diets and lifestyles. We’ve even ordered seafood from here, it came shipped with plenty of dry ice to keep it all frozen. I get several staples shipped to us monthly and it saves me from scouring the grocery store for those hard to find items.

  • We keep frozen produce in an extra freezer - if you don’t grow your own buy a bag or two each time you grocery shop and keep a few on hand.

HOUSEHOLD ITEMS ~ These are all items I like to have a backstock of in case they aren’t available for a little while at the grocery store.

  • Washing Soda ~ you can make your own detergent, use this for cleaning, etc.

  • Baking Soda ~ I use this with Thieves to clean our floors and to make my own soft scrub. There are a million uses!

  • Vinegar ~ I always have a few bottles since we use it for everyday cleaning mixed with a capful of thieves and water.

  • Essential Oils ~ we use oils for cleaning, health, skincare, and diffusing. If you’d like some recommendations let me know or shop online with me through Young Living

  • Laundry Detergent ~ I always have 2/3 bottles on hand. My favorite is Young Living Thieves and a splash of vinegar on really sweaty clothes.

  • Reusable cloths, rags, bags ~ replace paper towels, toilet paper in a pinch (yikes!) and replace your plastic bags for everyday food storage.

  • matches & batteries ~ always needed!

  • can opener ~ your electric one won’t work if the electricity is out and canned food lasts FOREVER

  • instant coffee, beans, rice, flour, spices ~ great items to store since they last such a long time

  • Cooking oils/butter - I always have a few weeks supply stored away

  • Freeze dried food ~ I hear Legacy House is a good source for many different freeze dried items

  • Protein Bars

  • Salt - recently purchased this in bulk from Azure Standard

  • Apple Cider Vinegar - we always have several bottles on hand. Our favorite is Braggs. There are SO many uses for apple cider vinegar.

  • Berkey ~ water filtration system for your home. We don’t have a need for one right now because of our well but several close friends love theirs.

  • Toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss - we always have 4/5 extras of each item.

EMERGENCY USE ITEMS ~ many of these items were used when we lost water and electricity in the Great Texas Winter Storm in 2021! We have these items stored away for emergency use.

  • portable water storage

  • all weather duct tape

  • solar power bank

  • World Band Radio Receiver ~ high frequency range - hope we never need this

  • lighters

  • electrolyte powder

  • canned food ~ check the dollar store, but some cheap stuff to use in a pinch. You can always donate it if you don’t use it.

  • bottled water ~ we bought a few large jugs from the local bulk water company that installs water softeners and filtration systems. You can usually walk right in and buy a few jugs.

  • generator - especially for freezers and well

  • family tent & sleeping bags - our sleeping bags kept us very warm in our beds during the winter storm

  • camping lantern, long burning emergency candle & a headlamp for each family member

  • para cord, bungee cords, twine

  • coloring books, board games, etc ~ make sure you have something to keep your family entertained

  • cast iron skillet ~ can be used in the oven and over an open flame. You can find these at flea markets, garage sales, good will or purchase new online


  • Band aids, gauze and sports tape

  • Activated charcoal - great for stomach issues

  • Medication your family uses

  • tweezers, scissors

  • instant cold packs

  • Essential oils we keep on hand ~ thieves, peppermint, tea tree,

  • gloves

  • hydrogen peroxide - can even be used for oral aches and pains