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DIY In the Laundry Room

DIY Ditch & Switches that we’ve made in the Laundry Room

Save money, ditch toxic chemicals and rely less and less on big box stores. That’s my why.

These are my go-to DIY Recipes for using less toxins and saving money in the laundry room. I know our family isn’t alone in wanting to save money where we can - I’d rather spend hard earned money on our home and vacation than cleaning supplies! I also know I’m not alone in wanting our home to be less chemically toxic. Eczema, asthma and other skin issues are on the rise in our society. What we use in our homes and put in and on our bodies has a direct effect on our health. As the moms, we are the gatekeepers. We decide what comes into our homes and that’s something I can control and change for the better. This is my little way of controlling what I can and trusting God with the rest. One of the biggest ditches we have made is ditching toxic products in the laundry room. And you know what? Our skin is healthier, and our clothes look and smell just as clean!


Have you read through the ingredient list on your favorite laundry detergent? Watch out for the following chemicals that have been shown to cause eczema, skin cancer, irritate the skin, disrupt our hormones and contribute to lung issues.

  1. Fragrance ~ As I’m sure you’ve heard a million times before, added fragrance contains phthalates which commonly have been proven to affect our hormones. If you’re going to protect something in your body and in your child’s body, protect their endocrine system, aka their hormones. Our hormones control every system in our body!

  2. Cleaning Agents (Sodium lauryl sulfate & sodium laureth sulfate ~ Both of these chemicals are great cleaning agents and very affordable - which is why you’ll find them in most laundry detergents. However, research has shown that SLS is linked to skin irritation, organ toxicity, developmental/reproductive toxicity, neurotoxicity, endocrine disrupters and more.

  3. Bleach - A known skin and lung irritant. Making your own is gentler on your skin and your clothes! And the sun is a natural bleach - let’s bring back drying our clothes on the line.

  4. 1,4 Dizone ~ According to the EPA this is a known carcinogenic. “1,4-Dioxane is used as a solvent. Acute (short-term) inhalation exposure to high levels of 1,4-dioxane has caused vertigo, drowsiness, headache, anorexia and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs in humans. It may also irritate the skin. Damage to the liver and kidneys has been observed in rats chronically (long-term) exposed in their drinking water. In three epidemiologic studies on workers exposed to 1,4-dioxane, the observed number of cancer cases did not differ from the expected cancer deaths. Tumors have been observed in orally exposed animals. EPA has classified 1,4-dioxane as a Group B2, probable human carcinogen.”

  5. Optical Brightening Agents (OPA) ~ Synthetic chemicals added to cleaning agents to make clothes seem “brighter” by using the process of fluorescence to trick your eyes into seeing your clothes in a brighter color than they actually are. OPAs have been shown to cause allergic reactions and/or rashes when in contact with skin.

  6. Phosphates ~ Phosphates are very common and do a great job of breaking down dirt and removing stains. Phosphates are known to be terrible for our waterways because they increase algae growth and choke off waterways. Just imagine what they could be doing to your skin, our water supply and your expensive washing machine!

What do we use instead?

I hope this gets you thinking about the chemicals in and around your home. You get to choose what comes in and out of your home. Choose wisely and read those labels! Stay tuned for next time, Toxic Free Skin and Hair care.

If you want to learn even more, Mother Earth Living is a good resource. As well as the Environment Working Group database, you can see how brands/products rank on the EWG grading scale.

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