Mackadoo Farms

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Chickens & Puppies & Chicks. Oh my!

When we set out to create a place for our family here, we didn’t put a lot of thought into how many animals we’d have on the farm. Just that we’d have some chickens and goats. The more research we did, the more animals we realized we’d be adding to our family! So here we are - with a farm full of animals and the list just keeps growing! I guess that’s how it works though. We are enjoying figuring things out as we go - that’s how homesteading works. You jump in feet first, adapt and learn along the way.

Our first addition were two hens - then of course we needed cute baby chicks. How many do you think we will get in the next round?

To guard our goats and hens we needed a Livestock Guardian Dog. We chose the Great Pyrenees breed, they are masters at keeping predators away, great family dogs cute, and fluffy. What more could one want in a farm dog? We ended up with two 8-week-old puppies and now need to add an adult Great Pyrenees that will actually do the guarding until the puppies are old enough. So here we are - 3 dogs in addition to our companion dog, a Brittany. Yes, you read that right ~ 4 dogs soon! The bills are adding up BUT we love it!

Of course like marriages typically go we want different things when it comes to goats. My husbands main goal is for the goats to eat brush and be marketable for meat. My hope is to have a cute, friendly goats that will allow us to play with them. Therefore we are investing in 2 breeds of goats ~ Boer goats for eating brush and selling for meat, Nubian goats for their beauty and milk. A good marriage is all about compromise!

We are having the best time interacting with and getting to know each new addition to the farm. Follow along as it keeps growing!